Juneau’s future is on the line, please decline to sign!

Signature gatherers are active, seeking to place anti-cruise tourism measures on the ballot this fall. Should these measures reach the ballot and pass, the impact on Juneau's families and businesses could be substantial. We can work together to ensure a bright future for Juneau without resorting to excessive limitations.

If passed

No cruise ship with a capacity of 250 passengers or more may dock, moor or disembark passengers within Juneau on any Saturday or July 4th starting in 2025.

The Facts

While this initiative may be portrayed as having minor impacts on our local businesses and Juneau’s economy, in reality, it would eliminate over 137,000 passengers from the 2025 schedule. This translates to an estimated loss of $32 million in direct spending in Juneau and a reduction of over $3.6 million in revenues for the City and Borough of Juneau.

Juneau’s seasonal visitor industry already leaves more than half of Saturdays cruise ship-free yearly, maintaining a balance with other seasonal activities such as the legislative session and fishing.

Cruise tourism impacts every single sector of Juneau’s economy. Eliminating cruise ship calls every single week from an already limited season would create ramifications for the entire community, especially small family-owned businesses and our most vulnerable populations who depend on city services.

Why decline to sign?

  • Banning cruise ships on Saturdays would lead to job losses and reduced labor income for Juneauites employed in the local tourism industry

  • Local shops, restaurants and tour operators depend on the influx of tourists on Saturdays to sustain their year-round operations and profitability.

  • Limiting docking days with a Saturday ban will result in Juneau losing these ships entirely due to Juneau’s five-ship limit, impacting our tourism economy statewide.

  • The unintended consequences of this initiative will have rippling impacts felt across the entire community.

Support our Cause:

Your contribution, big or small, matters now more than ever. By donating to our campaign, you're taking a stand to protect our economy, preserve our community and ensure that Juneau remains a thriving city for all generations.

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